2012년 5월 18일 금요일

Critical Pedagogies in Korea: For May 19th

Critical Pedagogies in Korea: For May 19th: What connections can can you see between Ngugi's experiences and those of Korea's past?Ngugi's experienced about his child' period of education that he went to a colonial school, and he lost his mother-tongue because English became the language of his formal eduaction. In Kenya, English became more than a language. Also, his humiliating experience was to be caught speaking Gikuyu in the sccool kind of corporal punishment. In Korea, our country had got same situation like Kenya language suppression. In my mother's experirnce which she couldn't have speak in Chosun uh in her elementary school under Japan goverment for aroud 40 years. She remembered that some students spoke out Chosun uh in class, they should have to receive a corporal punishment from school officer. If they was indicated the culprit, they quit their school at the same time. My mom said that she was so careful language using anytime because of hidden puppil like witch- hunters in Kenya school.My mom's generation lost theri own community, culture, history and ethnic society. Because of Japan government' control, they only spoke in japanese in class and ouside school.  I think language is the most powerful thing in any society on in the world wide. Any people gather their mind, thought,and ideology through using their own language. If they lose their mother-tongue by any unreasonable thing, they will accept many trouble situation without any protection. I love korean language,so  I will keep my mother tongue any problem situation. It is moat important factor in our country through the past experience.
 What connectiions can you see between Ngugi's context and the present situation in Korea?/ What differences can you see?
Our country's attitude to English which one is the ticket to hogher realms same as Kenya. Almost 10 years ago, our country's English became the measure of intelligence and ability in the all learning area like economy, education, sceinces, and physics. English became the main purpose of the chilld' s necessary thing of formal and private education like Kenya. Nowaday, in Korea, all entrance exam for University will be taken for all Korean hogh school studentsinclude English subject almost 40 years ago. English subject is essential evaluationd for Korean people ability for learning background unlikely Kenya.Until now our country's English dominats rate about all society has not been too much spreading out than Kenya. However, we cannot control English will become globalizing in worldwide phenominon. We will try to keep our own language using rate to increse much more than nowand just before. Language is a means of communication, culture and history things. Most Korean  doesn't care about language especially English colonizing all n the worlwide.
We care about Korean language as our mother- tongue.If we teach and learn in English by means of going for upper higher level in society, we will be too much careful about influence for the learner's recognition of language learning.

2012년 5월 13일 일요일

Critical pedagogies: reading media texts

Critical pedagogies: reading media texts: receive reading? oppositional reading? Saturday, May 12, 2012
http://youtu.be/mDvSXC991LA http://youtu.be/8TyX5YHFrfQ
I think receive reading that is big issue or many people should know about something to happen in current situation and informations in the worldwide. That's the reason why many things published in internet site or books etc...kinds of mass communications.
Otherwise, the oppositional reading which is needed someone's different ideas or ideology about something and phenomenon in our society like overusing drug , teenagers' drinking alchohol and  racism and so on......
someone's think against some issues or not. Many differents thoughts are there in our society. we will discuss about that......We need admitting their wholly different ideas and thoughts.....

2012년 5월 11일 금요일

receive reading

Critical Pedagogies in Korea: Questions for April 14 and Links: First of all, the main webpage for The Criticalhttp://teachingdigitalhistory.ning.com/forum/topics/contrasting-views-on-norman?id=2030642%3ATopic%3A7411&page=2 Thinking Consortium has some resources that might be of help to you.  You can find various ...

oppositional reading

Critical Pedagogies in Korea: Questions for April 14 and Linkshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TyX5YHFrfQ&feature=relmfu

2012년 3월 30일 금요일

Critical Pedagogies in Korea: Some Blogs I've Happened Upon Recently

Critical Pedagogies in Korea: Some Blogs I've happened. mehttp://wwwhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1cAQccj-gM&feature=player_embedded.youtube.com/watch?

Some  American who speaks in English as native. She gets used to speak Korean as fluently. She has gradually spoken from English to Konglish a few of words. For example, 'Church"-'Churchee', 'I want to get some boy friend.' -'I want to make a boy friend.'and so on... She need change her English to Konglish because she want to know about  Korean and Korean culture. After coming back her home coutry, she has gradually inserted and involved Korean and  Korean life style......If we move to like English speaking country, we can change English like her konglish life style........

2012년 3월 29일 목요일

Critical Pedagogies in Korea: Student Blogs

Critical Pedagogies in Korea: Student Blogs: These are blogs that students from our class are keeping.  Please have a look and comment on them when you feel moved to do so.  If your nam...

2012년 3월 27일 화요일

Critical Pedagogies in Korea: Student Blogs


Critical Pedagogies in Korea: Student Blogs

Critical Pedagogies in Korea: Student Blogs: These are blogs that students from our class are keeping.  Please have a look and comment on them when you feel moved to do so.  If your nam...http://Englishlearner.com/

Critical Pedagogies in Korea: Student Blogs

Critical Pedagogies in Korea: Student Blogs

Critical Pedagogies in Korea: Student Blogs: Jo's article pointed out people arespeaking English affected by the culture of their mother tongues. Emglish education inthe elementary school curriculum has started already in most Asian countries and region. Thus many countries inn which English is not used as a mother tongue are making efforts to improve English Education through educational reform. The roles of English teachers are increasing in importance in school education, also strengthening the value of programmes for English teachers. Although difficulties in English education and teacher education exist, South Korea is tryingto improve English education.Consequently. it implements various policies to improve the quality and capacityof teachers. In order to improve the quality and professionalism of teachers, the Education Ministry is providing training programmes through education offices and universities and is working for quality assurance of the training system which provides various training opportunities. This approach based on the sceintifis method.  Otherwise, Shin's article indicated all history of education, and comparative education, are fields not usually appealed to in studied of language and curriculum:the history of alternative  education even less so. Yet even less so. yet even minor initiatives, such as communicative approaches example, constitute alternative education from the point of view of presently existing practices in many countries.This approach is the social construction method. All educational system should gradually turn to the literature of applied linguistics for guidance. Acordingly, many ESL/EFL specialists do actually need to access these somewhat buried histories. These histories are not even available in the dominant language of international academia, substantial spade-work must be done.en you feel moved to do so.  If your nam...

Critical Pedagogies in Korea: Student Blogs

Critical Pedagogies in Korea: Student Blogs: These are blogs that students from our class are keeping.  Please have a look and comment on them when you feel moved to do so.  If your nam...kyurankim@gmail.com

2012년 3월 26일 월요일

Critical Pedagogies in Korea: Student Blogs

Critical Pedagogies in Korea: Student Blogs: Jo's article pointed out people arespeaking English affected by the culture of their mother tongues. Emglish education inthe elementary school curriculum has started already in most Asian countries and region. Thus many countries inn which English is not used as a mother tongue are making efforts to improve English Education through educational reform. The roles of English teachers are increasing in importance in school education, also strengthening the value of programmes for English teachers. Although difficulties in English education and teacher education exist, South Korea is tryingto improve English education.Consequently. it implements various policies to improve the quality and capacityof teachers. In order to improve the quality and professionalism of teachers, the Education Ministry is providing training programmes through education offices and universities and is working for quality assurance of the training system which provides various training opportunities. This approach based on the sceintifis method.  Otherwise, Shin's article indicated all history of education, and comparative education, are fields not usually appealed to in studied of language and curriculum:the history of alternative  education even less so. Yet even less so. yet even minor initiatives, such as communicative approaches example, constitute alternative education from the point of view of presently existing practices in many countries.This approach is the social construction method. All educational system should gradually turn to the literature of applied linguistics for guidance. Acordingly, many ESL/EFL specialists do actually need to access these somewhat buried histories. These histories are not even available in the dominant language of international academia, substantial spade-work must be done.